All Four 6-Week Courses Discount
The whole "Creating the Causes and Conditions for Awakening" set of courses.
Still Spots Available
Course Description
Make a big commitment and get a discount. These courses run back-to-back with a two week break in between each series. Starting November 13, 2024 and ending on May 21, 2025. All classes are 1 hour long and are conducted on Zoom on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
We are making a serious commitment to each other and I hope and expect that you will show up at every class on time and diligently work on understanding the material I present. I will not offer refunds or make up classes if you miss any or decide to cancel. I'm very grateful to you for signing up for Creating the Causes and Conditions for Awakening and I intend to help you get the most from these courses. I also want to express gratitude to all the teachers that have helped me get to a point where I can share my experience with others.
Contact Details