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Are you Spiritual but not Religious?
Me, too.

Spiritual doesn't have to mean mysterious. Did you know that there are clear and logical fundamental principles that lay the foundation for understanding the world and your life? Teachings that lead to the relief of suffering for your self and others?


These are principles that anyone can learn that explain how things work and that prove that you can take control of your life and destiny. They aren't mysterious, airy fairy or New Age, and definitely not saddled with religious trappings like robes, incense, bells, rituals, and ceremonies.​

Straightforward Logical Classes : 
Creating the Causes and Conditions for Awakening

Series 1: Getting Started

Getting Started

This 6 week course starts with an overview of the Four Noble Truths, and then an in-depth exploration of each one, showing the logic and beauty of the Buddha’s insights and realizations. We'll start to connect the dots and see how it all fits together for day-to-day life.

Series 2: Going Further

Going Further

Going Further builds on the work we did on Series 1, and goes into the Noble Eightfold Path with particular attention to the fundamentals of Right View, the first point of the Eightfold Path. We'll explore cause & effect, impermanence, dependent arising, and emptiness.

Series 3: Deeper & Deeper

Deeper & Deeper

Series 3 continues with in-depth study of the logic of Impermanence, Dependent Arising, Cause & Effect, and Emptiness, and a deeper dive into the Noble Eightfold Path. All these elements knit together into a cohesive path to awakening to a clear understanding of life

Series 4: All Done!

All Done!

All Done is the beginning of flying on your own. We’ll discuss obstacles that may arise in your practice, questions that have come up, and practical tips for taking control of your practice, where to go from here, and your responsibility to the world.


Wait a minute, isn't Buddhism a religion?

There's always been a debate about this. I fall on the side of the Dalai Lama who's says that it's been called a science of the mind, a philosophy, and a religion. It doesn't really fall neatly into a category. At All Rivers we present the Buddha's teachings in a completely secular and non-religious way that is complementary to other traditions.

What's the point of all this?

The Buddha's goal was to find a way to end the suffering of humans. He did and that's what we teach. End result? A happier more confident life based on logical truths.

Are these classes hard?

They are thorough, and address topics and concepts that can seem difficult at first, like learning play piano or computer coding. It takes some effort. That said, we take a step-by-step approach that anyone can understand. Our class sizes are small, limited to 20 people, so that each participant can get the attention they need and all questions can be answered.

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About Bruce Lambson

I have spent almost 30 years studying and practicing both Tibetan and Zen Buddhism. I became a Zen monk and spent 7 years with a Zen monastery. I spent a tremendous amount of time and energy learning esoteric ceremonies and hacking my way through a forest of ancient texts and commentaries.


While the Buddha laid his realizations out clearly for the people of his time, it's since been buried over the centuries under Eastern religious and cultural traditions that aren't really suited to Western life and tastes. Even many of the English translations are rough going for most people.


I realized in the last few years that I could have gotten it much more quickly had there been classes like the ones I'm offering here.


I saw that there's a much easier and quicker way to gain an understanding of, and a direct experience of, these truly profound and remarkable teachings. Teachings that are exquisitely relevant to human life but need better methods to adapt to us Westerners.


I hope you will join me for the series of classes I've put together. It's my goal to get you on track by covering the basics in a clear, logical and methodical way. Once you learn to drive this car, you can drive it wherever you like!​

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